Comedia Speech Overview
(version 1.1)
The project presents a Text-To-Speech generation system based on
award winning MBROLA package and presents Java development speech
syntesis API different speech applications.
Speech Syntesis API
The Application Program Interface contains several logical pieces:
Java native interface (JNI) to Mbrola package for Windows platforms.
JNI interface for Linux platform will be included to next releases of the
Astract speech syntesis API. It includes two types of sound production
(1) dictionary and (2) sound rules based. This abstract interface can be
used for different world languages. Our aim in the next releases to implement
standard Java Speech API.
Implementation of speech syntesis API for English language.
The static class diagram of main classes is presented below:
Text Talk Application
The aim of Comedia Text Talk application is to present speech syntesis API
capabilites and to test Comedia speech generation system.
The application has the next features:
Speaking input text (SPEAK button).
Speaking input phonemes (SPELL button).
Convert input text into phonemes (CONVERT button).
Stopping speaking (STOP button).
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